Tuesday, January 26, 2016

My dear Sun, may I embrace you?

Oh! My dear Sun,
The guardian from the east,
You shine on the world,
You shower on her and all hers, the bounty of life,
You keep her warm all day, without any strife

But tell me Sun,
My dear guardian from the east,
What do you do every night, at the west?
And what,of the rainy,gloomy days ?
when you're behind the cloud façade

Are you secretly crying, yearning or craving?
Do you miss someone, that was yours before?
And when you do, do your tears put off your rays?
Who shines then, for you when you need?
And what makes you alive again, and come ablaze?

Do you parch the earth, make her feel dry?
Oh my dear sun, isn't it unbecoming of you?
To show your angst at her and all that don't care
To show them that despite your glory,my Sun,
That you're a lonely wolf, despite being so high?

I have not the light, have not the rays to reach you,
But may I shine for you, at least fail trying to?
May I shine through your light, may I touch through your rays?
May I embrace you at least with my love filled bosoms?
Like a hapless handless man would do..

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