Wednesday, November 9, 2016

To my dear sunflower

My dear, dear sunflower,
You're head hung, why so?
Oh! blossoming flower of the arctic winter,
Why gloomy, unlike others, even in forbidding snow when you can grow?

The Sun, I, yearn to shine on thee,
As I used to, in the warm days of summer, for long,
When nights were radiant days and with time in no haste,
And love was in spate, until fate sang winter's wake up song.

I now stand far and way above, fighting to send a ray, if not more
Your way my dear, so I stand by my word, that I am not, ever, going away,
Lo! the tyranny of your mother Earth, she's turned your face to the dark,
And my pleas, that you hear not, she purges, though I plead and pray.

Hold on, my dear sunflower, breathe and keep those petals in fine shape,
Hold on, don't burrow a dingy home in the snow, for you to forever stay,
Hold on, for, without you, I'll have no purpose to be and will wither away,
Hold on and so will I, it won't be long before Spring sees the light of day.

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