Should I go inland? So thought the stranded explorer,
No boat seems to moor, by the creaky pier that ,
I've forever stood on, boats that pass by,
Spout salt water, on me, an already salty soul,
Should I seek a boat on the pier and bear the taunts,
Should I bear the taunts on the pier, for a boat that'll never moor?
So thought the stranded explorer, Should I just go inland?
So no boats may ever spout for their sport,
Salt, on an already salty decaying soul,
For they know not, what it is to drink more,
Than what their mate can return using pails to the sea,
Should I go inland and forsake the pier,
Who too has taken the salty spouts of sea water,
For no fault of its own, and needing no boat,
For merely being there and merely standing for me.
No boat seems to moor, by the creaky pier that ,
I've forever stood on, boats that pass by,
Spout salt water, on me, an already salty soul,
Should I seek a boat on the pier and bear the taunts,
Should I bear the taunts on the pier, for a boat that'll never moor?
So thought the stranded explorer, Should I just go inland?
So no boats may ever spout for their sport,
Salt, on an already salty decaying soul,
For they know not, what it is to drink more,
Than what their mate can return using pails to the sea,
Should I go inland and forsake the pier,
Who too has taken the salty spouts of sea water,
For no fault of its own, and needing no boat,
For merely being there and merely standing for me.
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