Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Ode to the whiner

Leeches! leeches, will you get off my feet?
I am no endless pit, for all your rotting peat,
Do I wear a board that says  “Ears, ears for all your pain”?
I am like you too, remember, I am not your emotional drain.

Leeches! Leeches, stop drinking my blood
I took no oath, to let me be your eternal bread,
Find another, so you may fill them with your filth,
Before I set a stick on fire, to chase you with.

I am now like a stagnant river, not flowing anymore, anywhere,
The left over speed’s made me a whirlpool, so please be aware,
Your trash dumped all will see, as I toss them up in the air,
Stay away, take them elsewhere, if about your secrets, you really care...

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