Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The paradox of the suffering good

I wonder why the good suffer more? They’re taken for a ride,  for granted and tossed away,
Why is it that they always cry the most? What keeps them put on the path of good, despite?
Are they condemned to forever cry, and forever moan, for being good?
And yet, God, they smile every morning, I keep wondering, how they could?
Do they cry more, for tears of such, are to be emptied for the eternal smile?
Do you God, drain their every tear drop, before showing them, eternal sunshine?
Are their tears, for the souls of the world, the redeeming and sustaining rain?
Do they suffer so much at evil hands, for the dose of pain to balance their good?
For all the joy they bring to the world, their hearts, God, protect you should,
For the good souls, please lay I pray, to eternal happiness, a faster path sans all pain.

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