Protect and save,
Oh! precious, precious,
Let the police ring fence,
As they're brought in and stored,
Let not any steal and sell,
For they're all valuable papers,
Papers that have every question of the world,
No answers, no sense, no meaning, nothing,
Whats, Whys, Whens, Whos, Hows with numbers,
A hundred or more, many sections or just one,
Save them, and in lieu, burn those that know the answers
And their papers that carry them,
For even one down at ninety nine,
Strike the hundredth to make,
The good ninety nine untidy too,
And while the good ninety nine too await the termites,
Protect and save,
Oh! precious, precious,
Let the police ring fence,
As they're brought in and stored,
Let not any steal and sell,
For they're all valuable papers,
Papers that have every question of the world,
Oh! precious, precious,
Let the police ring fence,
As they're brought in and stored,
Let not any steal and sell,
For they're all valuable papers,
Papers that have every question of the world,
No answers, no sense, no meaning, nothing,
Whats, Whys, Whens, Whos, Hows with numbers,
A hundred or more, many sections or just one,
Save them, and in lieu, burn those that know the answers
And their papers that carry them,
For even one down at ninety nine,
Strike the hundredth to make,
The good ninety nine untidy too,
And while the good ninety nine too await the termites,
Protect and save,
Oh! precious, precious,
Let the police ring fence,
As they're brought in and stored,
Let not any steal and sell,
For they're all valuable papers,
Papers that have every question of the world,
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