Saturday, August 29, 2015

The Creaky Window

Seated on a wobbly chair, alone by the table,
I pondered, surrounded by darkness and gloom;
I felt an island, in total seclusion, and ravaged,
And felt like the solitary beast in some old fable.

Tired of monotony, and of wretched solitude,
I decided the beast and that, I, had to expire,
Life had become hollow, without joy or purpose
"Beast die", all of me then, seemed to exude.

I opened the window, at last after a whole year,
And prepared to take the ultimate leap down,
I wished to see and breathe nature, for once, last,
And lunge, nature would then, my all, to pieces tear.

The window gave way, my efforts bore fruit at last,
The rains and sun had made it creaky, no, real strong;
As it opened, a scene unfolded, of a blanket of snow,
And of trees, that stood strong, though alone and apart.

The creaky window had taught me perseverance,
As I wondered, it's confronting the brute of nature;
A lesson on weathering odds, of gaining strength
A lesson against forfeiture, one of firm penance.

Even as I felt humbled, and was getting saner again,
Cool breeze entered my cabin, gave a soothing touch,
I felt embraced, loved, and felt new blood in my veins,

A new life, A new sense, Behold! I am human again.

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